
AgingPrincess.com is not designed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion or treatment in any capacity. Use of this Site is not a substitute for medical or professional care and/or treatment. ALWAYS consult a professional before trying out new home remedies, therapies, diets or exercise plans, or making any other change to your lifestyle. Ideas and opinions on this Site are provided “as is”, and the Site makes no warranties, implied warranties, or guarantees about any information provided.

All information provided on AgingPrincess.com is for general information and entertainment purposes only. I must repeat: I am not providing in any way medical, legal, or professional advice. This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions contained therein belong solely to the blog owner. The views and opinions are not intended to malign anyone, including religions, ethnic groups, clubs, companies or individuals. If you become upset or offended after reading an opinion or information on the Site, we apologize and invite you to leave Site at the earliest opportunity. Otherwise, we hope you’ll stay and enjoy.

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Note: A special thanks to Nienke Krook at www.thetraveltester.com/disclaimer for a fun and entertaining example of a weblog disclaimer statement.